Required steps to rename user and home directory

Whisperfish registration is broken in SailfishOS 4.2 and 4.3.

To make GNOME Software 41+ stop autoselecting flatpaks instead of RPMs

How To Use Ansible for Centos 5 / RHEL 5

Python can be configured via alternatives on CentOS

GNOME places-menu can't launch network locations

Install Citrix Workspace app 2101 on Fedora 33

Bluetooth cannot be activated on Xperia XA2 Ultra running Sailfish (Koli)

How to Convert CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS Stream

Install Citrix Workspace app 2012 on Fedora 33

Configuring Xorg as the default GNOME session

UniFi - How to Change the Controller Version on UDM v1.7+ via SSH

Install Citrix Workspace app 2004 on Fedora 32

If a server certificate needs to be checked

The command-line tool firewall-cmd is part of the firewalld application. It can be used to make permanent and non-permanent runtime changes.

Configure IP Address and routing using the ip command.

HowTo setup a Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate on Centos 7

Some tips to secure your web server

Combine seperate audio and video files into a single video with ffmpeg

Configure TLS in Postfix and Dovecot

Securing your remote access

From version 2.3 onwards Postfix supports multiple accounts for sending mail. This can be useful in private or SOHO environments, when mailaccounts from different ISPs are used on the same postfix server.

We want to create a local Debian package repository for self-grown debs, to be easier installed on several machines

The corresponding server was equipped with a QMH2462 (HP branded QLA2462) running Ubuntu 8.04.02 Server and kernel and it didn't detect all devices it should. Two paths weren't detected. Because I'm not into FibreChannel stuff, further investigation by the SAN vendor showed that it was a login issue with an older but supported FC-Switch, while the paths over a newer switch didn't have this problem.
Unfortunately no solution was available by the SAN Vendor. Then I installed CentOS 5.2 and everything worked like expected, so the physics and configuration should be ok.

This ist HowTo setup MySQL mutli-master replication for fail-over scenarios, a basic step by step guide for setting up a replication system where all nodes act as master and slave at the same time, with a built-in fail-over mechanism.
This can be very useful for sharing SpamAssassin's and dspam's Bayes data and amavisd-new's SQL lookups and storage between mailgateways ;)

date: 08/21/2008

This HowTo describes the setup of a Gentoo based spam and virus filtering mailgateway. This server is meant to run in front of the servers keeping the mail accounts i.e. Zarafa, Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange.
The MTA is postfix which will listen on port 25 for inbound mail. Recieved mails are forwarded to amavisd-new on port 10024. Amavisd-new filters the mail for virii and spam before passing it back to Postfix on port 10025 for final delivery.
In this Setup ClamAV is used for virusscans, if a virus is found the mail is discarded or optional quarantined, if no virus is found the mail first runs through dspam and afterwards through Spamassassin for antispam. dspam gets better detection rates than SpamAssassin's Bayes filter, it writes it's headers which will then be scored by SpamAssassin together with some other tests.

We don't want to do cleartext authentication against a POP3 or IMAP server and fetch the e-mail unencrypted.

Fetchmail will be configured for ssl to encrypt the communication to the corresponding server.

If you want to try out some multipath configurations, VMWare server has again a nice feature where you can make a vmdk available over more than one path.

If you want to try out some cluster configurations, VMWare server has a nice feature where you can share a vmdk between more than one VM, and since it support SCSI persistent reservations, you can truly simulate a real cluster. I have used this to deploy Redhat Cluster server as a test environment.

After installing a new Gentoo server running rrdtool-1.3.8 and munin-1.3.4 I received many mails from munin's cronjob, complaining the following
(process:22748): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

Keycodes for special ALT characters

HAVP (HTTP AntiVirus proxy) is a proxy with an anti-virus filter. It does not cache or filter content, but is scanning the complete http traffic for viruses or malicious content. It's amining to stop dialers or browser exploits and features Continuous and non-blocking downloads, Smooth scanning of dynamic and password protected homepages

I've got a PC Engines WRAP.1E and a 32mb compact flash card, and I wanted Gentoo on it to be used and abused as a home router / firewall appliance. For this purpose some nice projects are available, like Gentoo Network Appliance (GNAP) for example. An other nice project is Soentoo although it's aiming for Soekris boards it works on WRAP since the hardware is similar. If you want the benefit of a nice webgui for your router check out M0n0wall or pfSense both FreeBSD based firewall distributions. First I started using the WRAP with M0n0wall but I don't need the webgui and the other solutions available didn't satisfy me.